My first week as a temporary Spaniard

After receiving a warm welcome on Saturday night from Mirjam and my landlords, Mario and Andi, I fell into bed like a rock and recovered from the journey. The next morning started with sunbeams, falling straight onto my face - a phenomenon, which I seemed to forget as a German during the Northern European winter. The day went smoothly, I went briefly to the supermarket, unpacked my suitcases and shot some pictures, which I sent to Germany to make my second home in Spain a reality for my family and friends. Interim conclusion: an internship in winter could definitely be worse. On Monday my first working day started at 10 o'clock in the morning. Hard to believe for me, because in Germany we have already had the first break at this time and mentally prepare for lunch. But you also get used to it, of course, happily and quickly. When I arrived at the office, I met my colleagues and fell in love with my new workplace - a modern office with great attention to detail, which I was happy to move into immediately. The fact that the sea is only about 200 meters away and that numerous palm trees took up my view to the outside made the whole thing even better. Although I used to be terrified of dogs in the past, I'm happy to welcome Easy, Rouben's dog, in the office every morning (he really does not do anything!). I got my own job and was allowed to look over Lucy`s shoulder at work. She answered every question in detail and gave me some small tasks, so that I could quickly get used to the new website that went live that day and everything that goes with it. The atmosphere in the office is very pleasant, informal and open. Unusually for me as a German, everyone is addressed by their first name and can decide for themselves when, for example, he makes his lunch break. With Lucy I speak English, with Mirjam and Rouben German and with most customers on the phone and the locals Spanish - more effective than any language school! Each of Casas Ambiente's employees speaks at least three languages fluently. This is also reflected in the new website, which is available in five languages. My main task during the first week was to translate the descriptions of the properties and to complete them wherever there were gaps. Together with Lucy I got to know how to handle the back-office and wrote my first mails to customers. On Thursday Mirjam took me on a viewing with clients from England. Since the real estate industry is completely new to me, it was exciting to see how such a viewing runs. After a few days of familiarization Rouben gave me some projects on Friday for the next 8 weeks. In addition to translation work, my main task will be to develop and maintain the social media channels of Casas Ambiente and to write a weekly blog about my experiences here, to be published on the website as a series in the "News" section. Here, above all, the website in my view as a trainee to give a face and customers to give an insight into the daily work at Casas Ambiente. Full of new impressions, I finished work on Friday work at 18 o'clock and started the weekend and enjoyed the good weather in my new home, in which I am already very well cared for and comfortable thanks to Mirjam, Rouben & Co. What I experience in my 2nd week of work and how I get along with my projects, I shall write in my next blog entry.